Begin your archaeological learning and training wherever and whenever you like with our award winning eLearning courses. To get started you can create your eLearning account on the Moodle, the world's most popular Learning Management System here: Our eLearning Programme on Moodle. 



Whether you're a diver or like to explore the seashore, learn the basic theory of maritime archaeology and then decide if you want to continue with the practical training at one of our Skills Days.

If you're in the UK, we run the Skills Days on demand using our network of tutors. If you are from further afield check out what training is available with our many International Training Partners.

Our interactive eLearning courses are broken up into modules to make learning an engaging experience with short quizzes to test your knowledge at each stage and at the end of each course.

Once you've signed up for eLearning, you've got one year's access to the courses and access to a course tutor if you have any questions or queries.



Our eLearning courses are available and suitable for anyone with an interest in heritage, diving with a purpose or learning more from their beach walks. No prior learning or qualifications are required. There is no age limit on the course. The course is suitable for both divers and non-divers as it provides an excellent grounding in archaeology that is both underwater and on the foreshore.




Start off with the Discover Maritime Archaeology course and decide whether to do the Discover Underwater Archaeology course (if you're a diver) or the Discover Coastal & Foreshore Archaeology course (if you prefer to just get your Wellington Boots wet).

For best value for money we offer a £15.00 discount on our combined eLearning courses. This allows you to take two courses at once.  To keep you updated with what is going on in the world of maritime archaeology, we will also give you 1 year’s NAS membership worth £37.



Discover Maritime Archaeology

Our entry level course includes six modules and introduces you to the discipline of maritime archaeology taking you from the basic question ‘What is Archaeology’ through to the range of sites we might study, dating techniques and survey methods to get you started recording sites. No prior knowledge required.

Module 1: Introduction to maritime archaeology - Introducing the discipline of maritime archaeology and some of the differences between maritime and land archaeology. In this module we will learn to define key terms in maritime archaeology such as site, artefact and context, describe the differences in preservation that are likely to be found between wet and dry sites and understand the rich history of maritime archaeology and how it has changed over the centuries.

Module 2: Site Types - Find out about the many different types of sites that are studied by maritime archaeologists.  Maritime archaeology is not just the study of shipwrecks and is not always underwater.

Module 3: Artefact Investigation - In this module you will get to look at three artefacts and investigate their meaning. 

Module 4: Archaeological Dating Methods - During this module you will be introduced to the concept of relative and absolute dating, and you will learn about five dating techniques commonly used by archaeologists. 

Module 5: Legislation - In this module you will learn about the legislation that is in place to protect our heritage that is underwater, on the foreshore and on land. You will learn how this applies to you visiting or investigating historic sites.

Module 6: Recording & Monitoring - During this module you will be introduced to some basic methods to record an archaeological site and how you can use these to monitor a site over time.


Discover Underwater Archaeology

This course builds upon the knowledge you gained in the Discover Maritime Archaeology course. In the seven modules of this course you will learn how to run an underwater archaeological project from the planning phase through to carrying out a field survey and publishing the results. This course will introduce the processes involved in taking a project from conception through documentary research and planning to publication and archiving. 

For a discounted price the Discover Underwater Archaeology course can be taken combined with the Discover Maritime Archaeology course.  Please note that the Discover Maritime Archaeology course is a pre-requisite for taking this course.

Module 1: Research & Pre-Fieldwork - This module aims to introduce you to both the research and pre-fieldwork that needs to be thought about before heading out to site.

Module 2: Health & Safety - In this module we will look at how to make sure you and your team safe on site.  

Module 3: Geophysics -This module will introduce you to the many different geophysical survey techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project. It will also help you understand how you conduct work on site and the results that different methods will produce.

Module 4: Fieldwork -This module will introduce you to the different techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project and will help you understand how you conduct work on site and the result your methods will produce.

Module 5: Survival Conditions - This module will introduce you to different techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project and will help you understand how to best preserve artefacts.

Module 6: Post-fieldwork - During this module you will be introduced to the work required after fieldwork has been undertaken and how to deal with finds.

Module 7: Archiving and Dissemination - In this module we will look at the importance of safely archiving your data as well as the wide variety of methods for telling the world about your work.


Coastal and Foreshore Archaeology

This course builds upon your knowledge from the Discover Maritime Archaeology course.  In the seven modules of this course you will learn how to run an intertidal or dry archaeological project from the planning phase through to carrying out a field survey and publishing the results. The course will introduce the processes involved in taking a project from conception through documentary research and planning to publication and archiving.

For a discounted price the Coastal and Foreshore Archaeology course can be taken combined with the Discover Maritime Archaeology course.  Please note that the Discover Maritime Archaeology course is a pre-requisite for taking this course.

Module 1: Research & Pre-Fieldwork - This module aims to introduce you to both the research and pre-fieldwork that needs to be thought about before heading out to site.

Module 2: Health & Safety - In this module we will look at how to make sure you and your team safe on site.  

Module 3: Geophysics -This module will introduce you to the many different geophysical survey techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project. It will also help you understand how you conduct work on site and the results that different methods will produce.

Module 4: Fieldwork -This module will introduce you to the different techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project and will help you understand how you conduct work on site and the result your methods will produce.

Module 5: Survival Conditions - This module will introduce you to different techniques used during the fieldwork phase of a project and will help you understand how to best preserve artefacts.

Module 6: Post-fieldwork - During this module you will be introduced to the work required after fieldwork has been undertaken and how to deal with finds.

Module 7: Archiving and Dissemination - In this module we will look at the importance of safely archiving your data as well as the wide variety of methods for telling the world about your work.





We offer a £15.00 discount on our combined eLearning courses. This allows you to take two courses at once.  To keep you updated with what is going on in the world of maritime archaeology, we will also give you 1 year’s NAS membership worth £28.


Individual course = £50 (includes tutor support)

Combined courses = £85 (includes tutor support, 1 year NAS membership worth £28.00)

Logbook Binders can be purchased separately for £10 (plus postage) from the NAS shop here.




When you've completed both the eLearning and the Skills Days, you will be awarded the Foundation Qualification which allows you to volunteer on all NAS fieldwork. This is an internationally recognised non-academic qualification.




Step 1 - Create an account on the NAS ELearning Site

Step 2 - Enrol on your chosen eLearning course - remember the combined course provides best value for money.

Step 3 - Pay for the course using a credit/debit card or using your PayPal account.




Once you have completed our eLearning courses, we will receive notification that you have completed. We will email you a digital certificate which you can choose to print out to put in a logbook.  A5 Logbook Binders can be purchased from our online shop here.

You can attend also one of our practical Skills Days?

These take place in the underwater or on the foreshore and give you the opportunity to put the knowledge you have learned into practice.

Members can begin to gain their credits once they have taken both the Skills Days and eLearning courses.