2024 July 24

A well-preserved bronze axe is the first metal artifact from prehistoric times found in Norwegian waters

Bronze cannon discovered on the wreck of the London

2024 July 18

Historic England and the RNLI are asking people to add their own contributions to the Missing Pieces Project

2024 July 11

The Conservation Management Plan for one of the most famous shipwrecks of all time – Shackleton’s Endurance – has been published

World War II shipwrecks are scattered all around Australia. Researchers fear they could be 'ticking time bombs'

Long-lost South Australian shipwreck comes to life in National Maritime Museum display

Amazement as suspected 'cannon' found on Scottish beach

2024 June 26

Decades after the famed Kyrenia shipwreck's discovery, researchers have a new estimate of when it sank

Archaeologists sound the alarm: Urgent action needed to preserve the Gjellestad ship remains in Norway

2024 June 23

Potentially Polluting Wrecks: First Steps Towards Remediation

Archaeologists search for lost world beneath the Gulf of Mexico

2024 June 21

Cargo from the remains of the oldest shipwreck to be found in the deep sea has been discovered in the eastern Mediterranean.

Ancient Shipwreck Preserves a Deep Bronze Age Time Capsule

Energy company finds earliest deep-sea shipwreck in the world, and it's Canaanite.

2024 June 19

NatGeo documents salvage of Tuskegee Airman's lost WWII plane wreckage

2024 June 17

Propellor from WWI German sub recovered off Ireland

2024 June 13

Over 900 artefacts retrieved from shipwrecks in the South China Sea by a government sponsored expedition

2024 June 12

Famed explorer Ernest Shackleton's last expedition ship - found 61 years after sinking!  

Royal Canadian Geographical Society expedition discovers Shackleton's last ship

2024 June 9

Archaeologists recover two medieval grave slabs from submerged wreck

Lake Ontario designation protects underwater relics, including shipwrecks

2024 June 7

Massive grave slabs recovered from UK's oldest shipwreck

Underwater Archaeologist Roko Suric from NAS's training partner in Croatia talks about what it is like to find a 2,000 year-old wreck

2024 June 6

Water in a well preserves ancient Roman ritual artefacts

Time Team to dig for more archaeology in Sutton Hoo

Grave slabs recovered from England's oldest shipwreck

2024 June 3

Last remaining Second World War escort ship risks being scrapped

New underwater drones helping map shipwrecks off WA coast

2024 June 2

Marine mapping to create 3D model of Cheviot shipwreck at Wilson Promontory

2024 May 31

Barrel full of iron raised for 16th century wreck

2024 May 30

Bell from WW1 shipwreck handed back to US

2024 May 29

Centuries-old shipwreck silverware reveals 'misunderstandings' of Indian culture

Several new wrecks have been found in the Gulf of Riga in northern Europe

Unearthing His Majesty's Bark 'Endeavour'. An unceremonious end for a significant ship.

2024 May 26

When salvaging a shipwreck goes wrong and makes it even more of a wreck!

Shipwreck on a Welsh beach that only appears at certain times

Billionaire taking sub to the Titanic to show subs are now safer after the OceanGate implosion

2024 May 24

Iron lifted from 500-year-old Swedish shipwreck

World War Two US submarine wreck found off the Philippines

2024 May 23

Shipwreck discovery sheds light on Perinthos' past in north-west Turkey

Early Christian ship graffiti found at a church in the Israeli desert.

Kerala University researchers record 212 marine species at shipwreck sites in India.

Colombia launches expedition to explore 300-year old Spanish shipwreck filled with heritage artefacts.

After a new study, the Federal Government aims to preserve historic shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico

2024 May 20

USS Jacob Jones bell conservation efforts begin following London turnover ceremony

Seeing beneath the surface: unravelling prehistoric submerged settlements in the Balkans.

2024 May 19

Ten shipwrecks found off the coast of a Greek island

2024 May 18

The California park employees who work on plane crashes and shipwrecks.

2024 May 16

Found at last: long-lost branch of the Nile that ran by the pyramids

Grand Canal Exhibition Opens
An exhibition showcasing the significant archaeological discoveries along the Grand Canal opened in
the China Grand Canal Museum to mark the 10th anniversary of the ancient artificial waterway.

2024 May 15

World's oldest clipper ship finally finds land
After 160 years of floating upon the water, the City of Adelaide will finally come ashore for restoration.

World's oldest shipyard discovered in Turkey
Read about this amazing discovery of a facility that could build 300 ships at once

2024 May 13

The ghostly remains of a shipwreck reveal new information in a survey off the south coast of Australia

Shipwreck offers lessons in history and ecology

115 year old schooner reveals fascinating stories on the Massachusetts coast

2024 May 10
Underwater scans reveal lost submerged landscape

New studies in the Adriatic make astounding archaeological discoveries

2024 May 09

1,700-year-old Roman shipwreck was stuffed to the gills with fish sauce when it sank
The latest study, published in March reports the most detailed analysis of the wreck yet. It reveals that many of the 300 sealed pottery jugs, or amphorae, in the ship's cargo contained fish sauce.


2024 May 02

Mission to the 'Holy Grail of Shipwrecks' will use robotics.
Expedition to Spanish treasure galleon San Jose is about to commence.

Studying ‘orphaned objects’ to work out which shipwrecks they came from
A research project called Reuniting Cargoes: Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Maritime Silk Route aims to address the challenge of working out which object came from what shipwreck, and how it came to be out of the water and in museum collections.

2024 May 01

Century-old maritime mystery solved
Great Lakes Shipwreck Society locates 'Adella Shores'

2024 April 29

Why researchers are studying 'orphaned objects' to work out which shipwreck they are from
Reuniting Cargoes: Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Maritime Silk Route.

2024 April 28

Excavating under a flooded pyramid
It's even more challenging than you think!

The archaeologist who took on a pseudo-archaeologist on a podcast
Lost civilisations make good TV, but archaeology's real stories hold far more wonder

Researcher claims that Western Australian shipwrecks aren't where they are supposed to be
But don't believe everything you read in print - perhaps the researcher is using the wrong coordinate systems.

2024 April 24

CITiZAN data added to the Archaeological Data Service
That's over 2,500 new features and 5,000 condition survey reports that are now publicly available.  

Weapons chest found on wreck of 15th-century 'floating castle'
Underwater archaeologists in Sweden have determined that a chest in the wreck of a 15th-century warship held tools to make lead shots for early handguns. The finding hints at key changes in naval battles at the time.

2024 April 18

Suspicious artefacts revealed on Welsh beach.
People are being told to stay away from these sea mines.

2024 April 13

Explosives filled shipwreck has safety works delayed as objects are found
Richard Montgomery wreck continues to cause trouble.

2024 April 12

Robe shipwreck researchers look for clues to bust myths and build Dutch connections
Residents of a town in South Australia's south-east are being enlisted in research into a shipwreck that killed 16 Dutch sailors in 1857 soon after offloading 400 gold miners from China.

2024 April 10

What lies beneath
In waters across the Pacific, an untold amount of black, toxic oil is contained within the corroding wrecks of World War II ships. And it’s leaking into the ocean. 

Strange rock uncovered during sea search turns out to be ancient battle gear
Italian archaeologists discovered a "practically intact" metal battle helmet during a recent search in the Ionian Sea.

2024 April 08

The new support cradle for the Vasa is finally being built

2024 April 07

Eat the shipworms before they eat your favourite shipwreck!
Ship-eating worms could soon be available as a sustainable fish alternative

2024 April 06

Could you cope living on a remote island for 6 months with only three other people?
What is it like to work on one of the world's most remote weather stations.

2024 April 02

The Cape Ray shipwreck is now completely out of the water. Preserving it is the next challenging feat.
Crews were finally able to remove the massive Cape Ray shipwreck from the water, around two months after it suddenly appeared along Newfoundland’s southwestern tip.

Expedition uses small underwater drone to discover 100-year-old shipwreck
The underwater drone Hydrus can capture georeferenced 4K video and images simultaneously.

2024 March 28

Newspaper archive searching paid off in shipwreck hunt
140-year-old shipwreck found at bottom of Lak Michigan

2024 March 27

Finding the Nemesis
The search for shipping containers solves a 120-year-old Australian shipwreck mystery

2024 March 26

Archaeologists uncover precious historical information from 1,500 year old Aegean shipwreck
Two weeks of diving in treacherous conditions revealed priceless information

2024 March 21

Historic wreck finally found of the south coast of Australia
The wreck of the Lady Palmerston has been found in 50m deep water in freezing 12 degree temperature.

Oldest canoes ever found in the Mediterranean Sea unearthed off the coast of Italy
Five canoes found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea were used more than 7,000 years ago for fishing and transport by people living in a Neolithic village near what is now Rome.

Mystery solved after Guernsey divers find missing German U-boat.
A mystery has been "finally solved" after divers found the resting place of a missing German U-boat.  The vessel UC-18 was lost in 1917 after a battle with a secret Royal Navy ship, Lady Olive, which was also sunk.

2024 March 20

Riverside settlement published in amazing detail
Must Farm archaeological excavations have now been published and are available for all to read.

2024 March 17

British warship found in Florida waters
Archaeologists have proven a shipwreck discovered in the Dry Tortugas National Park west of the Florida Keys is a 17th-century-built British warship.

2024 March 14

The sunken treasure of the San José shipwreck is contested – but its real riches go beyond coins and jewels.
The search for the San José and its treasure, sunk 600 metres deep, has now become possible thanks to advances in remotely operated underwater vehicle technology. The ship is now in the process of being pulled up from the sea floor. 

2024 March 13

Archaeological Research in the Kasos Strait Ends with 10 Ancient Shipwrecks
In late October 2023, the multi-year underwater archaeological study in the marine area of Kasos was completed. Since 2019, the research team from the Hellenic National Research Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, conducted four research expeditions in areas of special interest.

Bangor University researchers find final resting place of British cargo ship missing since 1915
The exact location of SS Hartdale has been a mystery since the vessel was attacked by U-27 in the Irish Sea on 13th March 1915 but its remains have now been identified lying at a depth of eighty metres, twelve miles off the coast of Northern Ireland.

Microhistory and the Edwin Fox
What is micro history and what can an unremarkable cargo ship from the 19th century tell us about the foundations of our modern age.

2024 March 10
Sutton Hoo to be excavated again
Time Team is going to help investigate new anomalies at Sutton Hoo

2024 March 5

Researchers search for stories behind Pacific's World War II shipwrecks
The Pacific served as one of the biggest battlegrounds of the Second World War, including the little-known chapter of Micronesia's Chuuk Lagoon.

2024 February 29

Archaeologists arrive on Sanday to inspect wreck
But the work of amateur island archaeologists has been commended in the Orkney Islands.

2024 February 28

Previous work with islanders opens door for researcher to help protect heritage
An interdisciplinary research team will work with a Pacific Island community to capture and preserve heritage sites ahead of energy-related developments. 

2024 February 26
It's not very often that a nation's leader dives on underwater cultural heritage.
But India's prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, recently made headlines with a remarkable journey into the depths of the sea to visit the underwater city of Dwarka. 

2024 February 25

120-year old shipwreck mystery solved and the search for relatives begins.
The 120-year-old mystery of SS Nemesis and the 32 crew members lost at sea has been solved, with the accidental discovery and subsequent identification of a shipwreck in waters off Port Kembla on the east coast of Australia.

Coastal erosion will wipe out many ancient seaside sites and monuments
Escalating storms and extreme weather caused by climate change will increase coastal erosion with many Irish landmarks unable to be saved, experts say.

2024 February 24

Remains of Medieval Soldier Uncovered at Bottom of Lithuanian Lake
Archaeologists and divers have unearthed the remains of a medieval soldier from the underwater slope of Lake Asveja in eastern Lithuania.

2024 February 21

'Incredible' old shipwreck found on Orkney beach
A large section of a well-preserved shipwreck thought to be hundreds of years old has washed ashore on a beach in Orkney.

2024 February 15

Artificial intelligence is an anchor for restoration work
Find out how modern technology is helping restore a historic wreck.

The Advantages of Underwater Photogrammetry: famous shipwrecks SS Thistlegorm
Find out how to scan, scale and geo-locate a large structure like this big metal wreck,

A Prehistoric structure under Lake Michigan resembles a mini-Stonehenge
An underwater archaeologist has stumbled on a Stonehenge-like arrangement of ancient stones.

Decolonising Environmental Risk Assessments of Potentially Polluting Wrecks: a Case Study of the Wreck of the USS Mississinewa in Ulithi Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia
Free access to a fascinating study on polluting wrecks

2024 February 12

Stone age wall found at bottom of Baltic Sea 'may be Europe's oldest megastructure'.
This kilometre wall may have assisted with hunting deer 10,000 years ago.

WWII-era shipwreck with strange history found 650 feet deep in Lake Superior
Was the captain's strange behaviour on it's last day afloat anything to do with this vessel's sinking?

2024 February 11

Sugar-coating Turkish artefacts in Japan.
A joint expedition is using innovative use of sugar-treatment to preserve Ottoman shipwreck artefacts found in Japan

Robots explore 600-year-old Viking shipwreck in three feet of water
Scientists are testing innovative techniques and comparing them to traditional archaeological methods.

UK Ministry of Defence Partners with NHHC to Recover Artifact from USS Jacob Jones.
The operation, carried out at the behest of Naval History and Heritage Command and with support from the U.S. Embassy in London, led to the recovery of the ship's bell.

2024 February 8

The oldest Mediterranean hand- sewn boat is preparing for its next journey 
Read about this ancient vessel's journey from Croatia to France.

2024 February 7
Shipwreck off Cape Ray is not historically significant
Then why do people keep crowd funding to raise it?!

Titanic of the Alps will return to the surface 90 years later.
A purposely sunk steamship is going to be raised from 210m deep in Lake Constance on the Swiss-German border

2024 February 5
Fragment of a horse fieze from the Temple of Zeus found at 9m deeps of the coast of Agrigento, Sicily
Read about how officials and local divers have made this remarkable discovery.

2024 February 4
Historic England's First World War Submarine Wreck Project

Wessex Archaeology have been part of a special Historic England commissioned project commissioned to mark the centenary of the 1914-18 conflict.

2024 January 31

Archaeology meets AI to help preserve maritime heritage
Read about uni students helping museums to preserve vital heritage.

Shipwreck mysteriously appears on Newfoundland coast
A coastal community in Newfoundland has been left baffled and excited by the sudden and unexplained appearance of a centuries-old shipwreck on the sands of a nearby shore.

2024 January 25

Parks Canada’s underwater archaeologists complete seasonal research at Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror
Fascinating artifacts were collected, and thousands of high-quality images were taken during the twelve-day research period

2024 January 18

Shipwrecks uncovered by winter storms
Following winter storms, which uncovered shipwreck and aircraft remains on our coastlines, Wessex Archaeology archaeologists identified a wreck thought to be the Verein, a Germain brigantine.

We have a lot of cracks!
Swedes seek to save the Vasa warship - again

2024 January 11

15th century shipwreck reveals ‘surprising’ cargo and weapons for fending off pirates
The remains of the wooden vessel lie off the coast of Maderö Island, a Baltic Sea islet located about 20 miles southeast of Stockholm.

Digging For Britain features Gary Bankhead's Durham finds
The Series 11 episode, on BBC 2 offers viewers an introduction to St Cuthbert, his shrine in Durham Cathedral and Elvet Bridge.

Excavation of the medieval shipbuilding mud-dock at Smallhythe appears on Digging for Britain
The episode in Series 11 features former NAS Trustee Elliott Wragg showing finds from the first excavation of a mud-dock.

2024 January 05

Virtual dive on South Australia's oldest recorded European shipwreck
Experience a remarkable shipwreck without getting wet on this innovative virtual reality experience.

2023 December 20

London's Waterfront and its World 1666-1800.
New book released describing the waterfront as London was becoming the hub of the British Empire.

People once lived in a vast region in north-western Australia - and it had an inland sea
Find out about the 65,000 year history along the coast - that is now submerged.

2023 December 19

Shipwreck ecology: Understanding the function and processes from microbes to megafauna
Read this detailed article to find out about this new cross discipline of shipwreck ecology.

2023 December 14

Potentially Polluting Wrecks: defusing the ticking timebomb
NAS are please to be involved in the challenge to record potentially polluting wrecks

Father and 5-year-old find shipwreck!
Wisconsin Historical Society say the pair found it while fishing and the ship is sitting in 8 to 10 feet of water

'Black gold' discovered on a ship by scientists.
The vessel traversed the Mediterranean seas during the Stone Age.

2023 December 13

Unpath'd Waters endorsed by UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
This international recognition shows the significant work being done by this project that NAS is involved with.

2023 December 12

Mysterious 200m wreck found on the bottom of the Baltic Sea
Wind farm developers have unexpectedly found a rare shipwreck on the seabed.

What is rare now, may not be rare in the future
4th century coins found on a Sardinian shipwreck

2023 December 7

The Klein Hollandia: Discovering a 17th-century Dutch warship off Eastbourne
Read the latest coverage of our investigation of the Klein Hollandia, supported by many NAS members and divers, in the latest edition of Current Archaeology magazine.

German WW1 submarine deliberately sunk
A German U-boat from the First World War is likely to have been sunk deliberately rather than being handed to the Allies, according to a 3D map produced by researchers at a Scottish university.

Field school on maritime archaeology in Tobago
The focus of this UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) training lies on the importance of making sure that there will be a new generation of underwater archaeologists and cultural heritage managers available for the coming decades.

2023 November 30

More evidence proves shipwreck off Rhode Island is Captain Cook's Endeavour
Finding the pump well was a "significant turning point in the identification of the site," according to the news release, because it was a "recognizable structural feature".

2023 November 22

Divers recover obsidian cores from Neolithic shipwreck
Underwater archaeologists from the Superintendency of the Metropolitan Area of Naples have recovered obsidian cores from the remains of a Neolithic shipwreck off the coast of Capri.

New evidence emerges identifying the shipwreck Endeavour
James Cook’s Endeavour is one of the most significant vessels in global history. Recently, its shipwreck site was identified in the waters of Rhode Island in the United States – far from the Pacific Ocean where both Cook and Endeavour earned their extraordinary reputations.

2023 November 20

A shipwreck called the "worst maritime disaster" in Seattle history located over a century later
The wreck of the SS Dix had been identified in Elliott Bay off of Seattle's Alki Point. The roughly 100-foot-long wreck sits upright on the bottom in 600 feet of water.

Excavations in Sichuan Province reveal the lost treasure of an infamous seventeenth-century warlord
Temporary dams near the confluence of the Min and Jin Rivers in China’s Sichuan Province have allowed archaeologists to excavate more than 76,000 artifacts.

2023 November 16

Rooswijk Artefacts Return to The Netherlands
Artefacts from the Rooswijk including silver coins, ship timbers, trade goods such as thimbles, candle sticks and personal items such as pewter jugs, spoons, spectacles and a nit comb will now be stored at the National Maritime Depot at Batavialand in Lelystad.

Slides showing shipwrecks off Cornwall up for sale
Frank Strike's collection of more than 300 pieces is expected to fetch up to £10,000 when it goes on sale.

Finding new depth whilst bringing a 50-year-old shipwreck survival story back from the dead
In October 1973, ten men were cast adrift in a life raft with nothing but the clothes they were in, after the freighter the Blythe Star sank without a trace —  and seemingly without cause — off Tasmania's southwest coastline.

2023 November 09

Seven Army tanks that sank off Dorset added to the Heritage at Risk Register
The Valentine tanks sank in Studland Bay during Exercise Smash in April 1944, killing six men.

‘Holy grail of shipwrecks’ to be recovered from the deep
The San Jose was discovered by a team of navy divers in 2015 lying nearly 3,100 feet below the ocean’s surface.

WW2 Lancaster and its lost crew recovered from the sea bed after 80 years
Personnel from RAF Global Enablement have been working alongside the Dutch Military to recover a submerged Lancaster bomber and the remains of its lost crew.

2023 November 07

Letters from Seven Years' War opened 250 years later
Letters confiscated by Britain's Royal Navy before they reached French sailors during the Seven Years' War have been opened for the first time. Written in 1757-8, they were sent by loved ones for crew onboard a French warship, but never reached them.

2023 November 06

Up to 50,000 Roman coins discovered off coast of Sardinia
An Italian diver’s sighting of something metallic near the coast of Sardinia has led to the discovery of tens of thousands of Roman bronze coins

2023 November 03

Newport medieval ship's timbers dated to within months
Ground breaking new oxygen isotope testing has allowed timbers from this remarkable wreck to be dated to within one season - 550 years ago! Read the press article about it or read the scientific article in our IJNA  giving more details.

2023 November 02

Invasive mussels lead to discovery of 128-year-old wreck
These mussels are the reason the wreck was found and the reason why it might be destroyed.

Researchers map 193 years of Northern Ireland coastline changes
A project examining the shifting shorelines of Northern Ireland over the last 193 years, has recently been 
completed by Ulster University, revealing for the first time, a detailed picture of coastal change.

Shipwreck archaeology unveils glory of Maritime Silk Road
More than 700 years ago, a vessel loaded with porcelains sank off the coast of east China's Fujian Province while en route overseas.

Depiction of Trojan War hero Ajax found in 1,800-year-old submerged building in Greece
Underwater archaeologists investigating Salamis, a tiny island just east of Athens, Greece, have discovered a large public building they say is key to understanding the history of the ancient city.

Millions of archived VOC documents now searchable online
five million scanned documents from the archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) will be digitally searchable at the click of a button thanks to a text recognition project. 

Tanker-wreck railings misled experts for years
The long-sought identity of a large mystery shipwreck off the coast of North Carolina has been revealed by the USA's Association of Underwater Explorers.

2023 October 26

Florida workers find 19th-century shipwreck
Construction crews dig up wooden remains of ship probably used to extract fish and shellfish in downtown St Augustine.

Storm Babet sees shipwreck wash up on Marske beach
The structure was discovered in Marske following the storm, prompting speculation it could be from Whitby whaler The Esk, which sank in 1826.

2023 October 19
Iron balls draw divers to rare 1500s shipwreck
The large, clinker-built, three-masted Osmund Wreck was found at a depth of 30m north of Dalarö in Stockholm’s central archipelago in December 2017.

2023 October 18
Early Europeans Enjoyed Seaweeds and Water Plants
Study shows that seaweed and freshwater plants were consumed in the Mesolithic period, through the Neolithic transition to agricultural life, and into the early medieval period.

Archaeologists find remains of oldest lakeside settlement in Europe
In the waters of Lake Ohrid near the Albania and North Macedonia border, archaeologists have found wooden stakes dating back to the early Neolithic period around 5,800 BC.

2023 October 17
Wreck of British WWII Submarine HMS Thistle found near Norway after 83 years.
Norwegian science vessel finds British T-class submarine, thought to be from 1940 and sunk during an encounter with a U-boat.

2023 October 16
Survey Shows Striking Legacy of 'Operation Dynamo' on the Seabed off Dunkirk
The survey shows the position, characteristics, and condition of each wreck in remarkable detail. Seeing these wrecks in such detail for the first time is a powerful reminder of the scale and human cost of the evacuation.

2023 October 13
The archaeology of Seaton Sluice bottle making factory to appear in new BBC series
The bottleworks and the harbour made the village central to east coast trade, meaning Seaton Sluice glass can be found all over the country and the world.

2023 October 11
Innovative Marking Technology Will Help Protect Nation’s Protected Shipwrecks From Heritage Crime

The Klein Hollandia was chosen for the forensic marking project, as being so far offshore it is vulnerable to illegal visits and recoveries.
Read about it further here and here

2023 October 05
The Warship Hazardous Prize Interim Report 1992-2022 is now available on open access

2023 October 03
Cannon to the rescue!
How the dolphins on cannon, identified the holy grail of shipwrecks - the San Jose.

Underwater Shipwrecks in Ontario Deteriorate Due to Invasive Mussels, Climate Change Effects
A recent report has raised concerns about the state of the underwater ghosts or cultural shipwrecks at the bottom of Ontario's Great Lakes.

2023 October 02
Archaeologists dive into Florida's past and find lessons on adapting to future sea rise.
Many of Florida's oldest settlements, hunting grounds and ceremonial mounds are now at the bottom of rivers or the Gulf of Mexico - so you need to dive to see them.


2023 September 27

Divers still hope for remnants of the Spanish fleet from the Battle of the Zuiderzee in 1573
Divers are currently searching for remains of that battle. Unfortunately, after a week and a half of searching,nothing from that time has been found.

Solving the mystery of the San Pedro Alcántara shipwreck
Nine archaeologists are analysing the remains of a ship that they believe could be El Fernando which sank in 1760.

2023 September 25

New study refutes origin claim involving Bronze Age tin ingots recovered from shipwreck
"Even 40 years after the Uluburun discovery, the tin puzzle remains, although we are getting closer to solving it by applying new methods," says Ernst Pernicka, senior professor at the University of Tübingen.

Race is on to find Great Lakes shipwrecks before quagga mussels destroy sites
An invasive mussel is destroying shipwrecks deep in the depths of the lakes, forcing archeologists and amateur historians into a race against time to find as many sites as they can.

2023 September 22

Barracuda Live: The Big Rebuild Opens for Viewing
Bringing back the Barracuda, the Fleet Air Arm Museum rebuilds a missing link in UK aviation history. Read about it on the museum's website here

2023 September 20

Operation Dynamo: Search for ships lost in WW2 Dunkirk rescue
More than 305 vessels were sunk during Operation Dynamo - in which 338,226 surrounded troops were evacuated from Dunkirk between 27 May and 4 June 1940. The project will search for 31 wrecks believed to be in French waters. Read the Historic England project page here

2023 September 19

New discoveries off Egyptian coast reveal ‘treasures and secrets’
An underwater archaeological team has made further discoveries at the site of a temple to god Amun in the ancient port city of Thonis-Heracleion in the Bay of Aboukir.

2023 September 18

Dive In - to the Needles Voyager
An innovative way to digitally explore the fascinating world of shipwrecks and maritime sites off the Isle of Wight

Divers return iconic ship's bell to Dundalk
A team of divers from the Isle of Man has visited the town of Dundalk, Ireland to return the bell of the SS Dundalk back.

First detailed survey of shipwrecks from Battle of Midway
Three shipwrecks were recently surveyed by a crew aboard the Exploration Vessel Nautilus, according to the Ocean Exploration Trust, a nonprofit group dedicated to seafloor exploration. Watch the video on YouTube.

Unknown shipwreck found in Thames Estuary
NAS Member and Fellow, Steve Ellis said he came across the remains during a dive off Southend Pier last week, when the water was particularly clear.


2023 September 10

North Wales and Optima shipwrecks found at Haisborough Sands.
Paul Hennessey, of Norfolk Wreck Research, and members of the Anglian Divers have recently uncovered the hidden shipwrecks of two 19th Century sailing vessels.

Sligo gets set to remember the 1,100 lives lost in Spanish Armada shipwrecks of 1588.
A series of events are planned over four days in North Sligo to commemorate the spanish armada shipwreck of 1588.

Egyptian Shipwreck Proves Ancient Greek Historian Herodotus Right.
The shipwreck, discovered in the Nile River near the ancient, and now sunken, city of Thonis-Heracleion was of a ship called a “baris.”


2023 September 4

Secret's Out - former NDAC now underwater campus
Find out how underwater habitation is going to be tested in this former quarry

2023 September 3

Anniversary of the launch of HMS Bounty celebrated through video created by the Maritime Archaeology Trust
Launched on 3 September 1784, watch this video to learn about the vessel's significance

2023 September 2

Intact shipwreck found in Wisconsin waters
The 1881 schooner was in remarkable condition

2023 September 1

3D map reveals undiscovered wreck
Archaeologists working in the Swan River in Western Australia have made a remarkable discovery

2023 August 28

New technology used to protect old wreck
Hear about a new way to protect a significant wreck in Australian waters

2023 August 24

Remarkable shipwreck buried again
Due to a lack of a suitable museum, this amazing shipwreck was moved and reburied after recording.


2023 August 31

U.S. Seeks to Block Recovery of Titanic Artifacts
Washington has gone to court to become a party to the salvage case involving the famous liner so it can stop any expedition it deems objectionable.

2023 August 29

Divers identify wreck of ship sunk in 1918 off Orkney
A team of divers has finally identified the wreck of a ship which sank off Orkney in 1918 with the loss of 13 lives.

2023 August 27

Grieving Wordsworth found solace in poignant shipwreck treasure after brother’s death
When the Romantic poet’s younger brother John died at sea, marine artefacts helped him bear the loss.


2023 August 22

Destroyer wreck-dive restrictions lifted.
The HMAS Hobart is regarded as one of South Australia’s – if not Australia’s – premier dive-sites.

HMS Hoste and HMS Negro found by Lost in Waters Deep 2023 Expedition.
Find out more about the Lost in Waters Deep project - Remembering the First World War ​Naval losses off Northern Scotland, ​The Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland.

2023 August 21

Wreck of US aircraft carrier sunk by Japanese kamikaze attack in WW2 found by divers.
A team of Australian divers made the once-in-a-lifetime discovery during a expedition off the coast of the Philippines.

2023 August 18

Archaeologists raise engine from the US’s first all-Black air fighter squadron plane
Wreckage from Tuskegee Airman's Plane That Crashed During WWII Training Recovered from Lake Huron.


BSAC iSCUBA September issue is full of NAS shipwreck articles
A paddle into the past - about our Lundy Protected Wreck diving on p22
The Cannon Run - about Klein Hollandia wreck on pp41-43
Shipwrecks - the neglected habitat - is also well worth a read p48

2023 August 16

Investigating the Dungeness shipwreck - Discovery of the wreck
In spring 2022, staff at Cemex’s quarry on the Dungeness headland in Kent, came across a wooden shipwreck while excavating in the quarry lake for aggregate. Read Wessex Archaeology's blog on their investigation of the wreckage.

2023 August 15

Exploring South Australia's oldest shipwreck
The Australian National Maritime Museum and non-profit Silentworld Foundation have continued their ongoing archaeological investigation of the wreck of South Australian, with recent research from a combined team of experts published in the journal Historical Archaeology.

2023 August 12

Long-Lost Roman Bridge Re-Discovered In Chepstow River Wye Mud
The Chepstow Archaeological Society team, with help from the Severn Area Rescue Association, carried out an excavation of the western bank of the Wye and found a wooden structure that could date back as far as the Roman occupation.

2023 August 11

Safe Past - The last chapter of the Lancaster ED603 and her 7 brave crew members
The preparations for the recovery work of the plane are in full swing on the bottom of the IJsselmeer. The salvage work will start on September 4th. The website is in both English and Dutch.


2023 August 9

Hulk of 19th Century Iron Steamship by Designer of the Cutty Sark Granted Protection
The partially dismantled ship lies in the intertidal zone of the River Deben in Woodbridge, East Suffolk. Protection by scheduling will ensure that the hulk of the ship will be protected by law.

Wreck of Europe’s first commercial steamship given protection
The wreck of Europe’s first commercial steamship, said to be of “international significance”, has been designated as a scheduled monument by Historic Environment Scotland.

More exciting news about the world's first deepwater underwater archaeological park
Find out about the amazing virtual experience at this park off Xlendi.

2023 August 8

Couple tries to save 109-year-old Dunkirk rescue vessel from ravages of time 
Built in 1914, Glala has survived world wars, explosions and collisions. It has seen numerous upgrades, name changes and a slew of prominent owners – and was even there during one of the Second World War’s most miraculous moments.

2023 August 6

The great explorer, Matthew Flinders' remains are on the move again.
The man credited with naming Australia will finally be returned to his home village in 2024.

2023 August 4

Ancient Roman boat found in Serbia.
Coal miners have found the remains of a Roman boat that likely supplied an ancient frontier city and military headquarters.

2023 August 2

Finding the Windrush Anchor
Shipwreck hunter David Mearns begins the search for this iconic artefact

2023 July 29
The Victorian Fort being reclaimed by nature
See if the island fort off the coast of Pembrokeshire can be turned into a community space.

2023 July 24

New Dover Museum exhibitions charts history of Channel Crossings
Read about our trustee's exhibition success here and here and here


2023 August 1

Divers have found seven shipwrecks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this summer.
A team of divers combing the watery depths off Quebec’s Îles-de-la-Madeleine this summer say they have discovered seven new shipwrecks that likely date to the 1800s.

The Swedish coastguards saving shipwrecks from looters.
Objects are vanishing from historic wrecks as sport divers and criminal gangs loot well-preserved sunken ships.

2023 July 31

Rare Glassware Recovered From a 2,000-Year-Old Shipwreck.
The ship, a Roman vessel called the Capo Corso 2 is located 1,148 feet below sea level between France's Capo Corso peninsula and Italy's Capraia island.

2023 July 30

Tall ships race leaves Shetland
A majestic site as tall ships sail across the North Sea to Norway

2023 July 28

2,000 year-old Roman wreck found off the coast of Italy
The exceptional discovery is an important example of the shipwreck of a Roman ship facing the perils of the sea in an attempt to reach the coast. 

2023 July 26

Researchers Return to Greece’s Antikythera Shipwreck
Finds include a sculpture fragment thought to belong to the beard of a Herakles sculpture discovered last season.

German WW1 U-boat found off the coast of Shetland
The SM UC-55 submarine was sunk about eight miles south-east of Lerwick by the Royal Navy in 1917.

2023 July 25

Modelling Maritime Archaeology
Read about RCAHMW's long-term project to enhance records of Wales’s maritime archaeology within the inter-tidal and coastal zone.

Archaeologists Explore Submerged Structures Off The Le Cesine Coastline
A new research project led by the University of Salento is conducting an underwater and surface study of the Le Cesine coastline to explore submerged structures

2023 July 21

Woman who died in deadly Vasa warship's wreck 400 years ago reconstructed in lifelike detail
At first, researchers thought a 17th-century shipwreck skeleton was male. But a new reconstruction reveals her as female, based on results from a genetic analysis.


2023 July 18

50 Years of Protecting Shipwrecks
July 2023 sees the 50th anniversary of the Protection of Wrecks Act. Historic England looks back at where it all started and how far we have come since then.

2023 July 17

French/Italian partnership for deep water archaeology
View amazing underwater footage of the Roman 'Glass Wreck' recently investigated by French and Italian archaeologists

2023 July 16

Divers find amphibious shipwreck 100m deep off Cornwall
A UK technical dive-team believes it has located the wreck of one of six LCTs (Landing Craft, Tanks), lost some 50 miles off north Cornwall in a forgotten World War Two tragedy.

2023 July 15

Marine excavations offer glimpse into ancient history preserved under the sea
While much of Israel's land has already been dug up and explored, archaeological discoveries underwater are just beginning to surface

2023 July 14

How 100m+ divers identified lost aircraft-carrier
Footage captured by a team of technical divers operating at depths below 100m in the Philippines has helped to identify a shipwreck site as that of WW2 aircraft-carrier USS Ommaney Bay.

2023 July 13

The Salvage of the Royal George at Spithead
The wreck was a hazard in the middle of a busy shipping lane. For 60 years, it was the scene of salvage and diving innovation, with diving bells, early diving helmets, explosions and even souvenirs.

2023 July 9

Mary Rose diver and archaeologist Christopher Dobbs retires
We would like to wish our Vice President a Happy Retirement !!
"I've been so privileged - can you imagine a better job if you are both an archaeologist and a diver than to work on a project like the Mary Rose and then share that with the wider world?"