To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Protection of Wrecks Act (1973), the Bite-Sized Training for All project provided free online interactive training for current and prospective Protected Wreck Licensees and these webinars are all available to watch on YouTube in perpetuity. The webinars encouraged increased interaction, improved monitoring and streamlined management of Protected Wrecks whilst reaching new audiences to encourage increased diversity in Protected Wreck Site engagement.

How does the designation process and licence application system work?
Accessing MoD wrecks
Site Security and Preventing Heritage Crime
Writing project proposals and applying for funding
Monitoring wrecks for climate change indicators
Which marine geophysics is right for the site?
Depositing Archives and Working with Museums and a Conservator
Marine Licensing and Merchant Shipping Act
Wreck Identification

How to deal with human remains in the marine environment

Terminology List


Advice and Guidance

British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology: Home – BABAO

•CIFA, 2017. Guidelines to the Standards for Recording Human Remains: IFA Paper No. 7. Available at: https://babao.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/14-Updated-Guidelines-to-the-Standards-for-Recording-Human-Remains-digital.pdf

•Historic England, 2004. Human Bones from Archaeological Sites: Guidelines for producing assessment documents and analytical reports. Available at: eh-humanbones-assessments.pdf (babao.org.uk)

•Historic England, 2015. Large Burial Grounds: Guidance on sampling in archaeological fieldwork projects. APABE, available at: Large_Burial_Grounds.pdf (archaeologyuk.org).

•Historic England, 2017. Guidance for Best Practice for Treatment of Human Remains Excavated From Christian Burial Grounds in England. Available at: APABE_ToHREfCBG_FINAL_WEB.pdf (archaeologyuk.org)

•Historic England, 2018. The Role of the Human Osteologist in an Archaeological Fieldwork Project. Available at: The Role of the Human Osteologist in an Archaeological Fieldwork Project | Historic England

•Historic England, 2023. Science and the Dead: Destructive sampling of archaeological human remains for scientific analysis. Available at: Science and the Dead. Second edition (historicengland.org.uk)

•Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England (APABE). Available at: Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England Home Page (archaeologyuk.org)


Please be aware that most of these references will not be easily available to the general public as they are either in specialist publications or behind firewalls.
Bell, L.S. and Elkerton, A., 2008. Unique marine taphonomy in human skeletal material recovered from the medieval warship Mary Rose. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 18, 523-535 
Davis, P.G., 1997. The Bioerosion of Bird Bones.  International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 7, 388-401
Denys, C., 2002. Taphonomy and Experimentation.  Archaeometry, 44(3), 469-484 
DCMS. 2005. Guidance for the Care of Human Remains in Museums. London: Department of Culture, Media and Sport
Gruspier, K.L., 1999. Pathological Change on human skeletal remains before during or after.  In: S. Fairgrieve, ed. Forensic Osteological Analysis, a book of case studies. Springfield, Charles C. Thomas, 199-225
Haglund, W.D. and Sorg, M.H., 2002. Human remains in water environments.  In: W.D. Haglund and M.H. Sorg, eds Advances in Forensic Taphonomy, method, theory and archaeological perspectives. London: CRC Press, 201-218
Historic England, 2004. Marine Archaeology Legislation Project. University of Wolverhampton
Knight, K., 2017. The identification and analysis of marine fouling on a cranium recovered outside of Rye Harbor, Sussex. Unpublished report for Wessex Archaeology FIPAD project
Mays, S. A. 1991. Recommendations for Processing Human Bone From Archaeological Sites. Unpublished Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report 124/91. London: English Heritage
Mays, S., 2008. Human Remains in Marine Archaeology. Environmental Archaeology 13(2), pp.123-133
Roberts, C.A.., 2018. Human Remains in Archaeology: A Handbook. Council for British Archaeology, Lancaster
Sorg, M.H., Dearborn, J.H., Monahan, E.I., Ryan, H.F., Sweeney, K.G. and David. E., 2002.   Forensic taphonomy in marine contexts.  In: W.D. Haglund and M.H. Sorg, eds. Advances in Forensic Taphonomy, method, theory and archaeological perspectives. London: CRC Press, 567-604
Stirland, A. 2005. Human remains, pp. 516–44 in Gardiner, J. and Allen, M. J. (eds.) Before the Mast: Life and Death Aboard the Mary Rose (The Archaeology of the Mary Rose, Volume 4). Portsmouth: Mary Rose Trust